Amadeo Bordiga

Content by or about Amadeo Bordiga (13 June 1889 – 25 July 1970), an Italian Marxist theorist, revolutionary socialist, founder of the Communist Party of Italy (PCI), member of the Communist International (Comintern) and later a leading figure of the International Communist Party. Bordiga is viewed as one of the most notable representatives of Left communism in Europe.

The youthful Bordiga
The youthful Bordiga
An article by Amadeo Bordiga defending the violence of colonized peoples in Angola From Il Programma Communista, the press organ of the ICP Italian Source
The Dream Jungle
Bordiga's 1951 commentary on Engels' 1884 "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State". Within the text, Bordiga analyzes the…
In January 1921, more than three years after the October Revolution in Russia, some two years since the murder of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl…
Via this red thread, which involved the interpretation, application and defence of revolutionary Marxism against various denials and betrayals,…